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Cubo 3D Slider

En esta ocasión vamos a ver un impresionante cubo de imagenes donde selecionas con un click de raton y sin soltar mueves por la pantalla luego le das un click en la imagen selecionada para ampliarla y otro click para reducirla espero k os guste tanto como ami

Datos:  Clic en Demo para ver como trabaja esta web


 <!DOCTYPE html>


  <meta charset="UTF-8">

  <title>CodePen - you see #canvas version</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">



What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see ... then real is simply ... electrical signals interpreted by your brain!

  <script src="js/index.js"></script>



html {
overflow: hidden;
-ms-touch-action: none;
-ms-content-zooming: none;
body {
position: absolute;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background: #000;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
canvas {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: #000;


"use strict";

(function () {
// ======== private vars ========
var faces = [], camera;
var target, targetold, faceOver, isMoving;
var globalRX = 0, globalRY = 0;
// ===== pointer library =====
var canvas = {};
(function() {
this.elem = document.createElement("canvas");
this.ctx = this.elem.getContext("2d");
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.resize = function () {
this.width  = this.elem.width  = +this.elem.offsetWidth;
this.height = this.elem.height = +this.elem.offsetHeight;
this.elem.onselectstart = function() { return false; }
this.elem.ondragstart   = function() { return false; }
window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this), false);
this.cursor = "";
this.setCursor = function (type) {
if (type !== this.cursor) {
this.cursor = type; = type;
this.pointer = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
touchMode: false,
center: function (s) {
this.dx *= s;
this.dy *= s;
endX = endY = 0;
sweeping: false
var started = false, startX = 0, startY = 0, endX = 0, endY = 0;
this.addEvent = function (e, fn) {
for (var i = 0, events = e.split(','); i < events.length; i++) {
this.elem.addEventListener(events[i], fn.bind(this.pointer), false );
this.addEvent("mousemove,touchmove", function (e) {
this.touchMode = e.targetTouches;
var pointer = this.touchMode ? this.touchMode[0] : e;
this.x = pointer.clientX;
this.y = pointer.clientY;
if (started) {
this.sweeping = true;
this.dx = endX - (this.x - startX);
this.dy = endY - (this.y - startY);
if (this.move) this.move(e);
this.addEvent("mousedown,touchstart", function (e) {
this.touchMode = e.targetTouches;
var pointer = this.touchMode ? this.touchMode[0] : e;
startX = this.x = pointer.clientX;
startY = this.y = pointer.clientY;
started = true;
if (;
setTimeout(function () {
if (!started && Math.abs(startX - this.x) < 11 && Math.abs(startY - this.y) < 11) {
if (this.tap) this.tap(e);
}.bind(this), 200);
this.addEvent("mouseup,touchend,touchcancel", function (e) {
endX = this.dx;
endY = this.dy;
started = false;
this.sweeping = false;
var ctx = canvas.ctx;
var pointer = canvas.pointer;
// perspective projection
var transform = {};
// ==== image constructor ====
transform.Image = function (imgSrc, lev) {
this.canvas        = canvas;
this.ctx           = ctx;
this.pointer       = pointer;
this.texture       = new Image();
this.texture.src   = imgSrc;
this.lev           = lev || 1;
this.isLoading     = true;
this.points        = new Float64Array(6 * (this.lev + 1) * (this.lev + 1));
this.triangles     = new Float64Array(14 * this.lev * this.lev);
// ---- init triangles ----
transform.triangle = function (t, p, k, p0, p1, p2) {
t[k + 0] = p0;
t[k + 1] = p1;
t[k + 2] = p2;
t[k + 3] = p[p0 + 2] * (p[p2 + 3] - p[p1 + 3]) - p[p1 + 2] * p[p2 + 3] + p[p2 + 2] * p[p1 + 3] + (p[p1 + 2] - p[p2 + 2]) * p[p0 + 3];
t[k + 4] = p[p1 + 3] - p[p2 + 3];
t[k + 5] = p[p1 + 2] - p[p2 + 2];
t[k + 6] = p[p2 + 2] * p[p1 + 3] - p[p1 + 2] * p[p2 + 3];
// ==== loading prototype ====
transform.Image.prototype.loading = function () {
if (this.texture.complete && this.texture.width) {
this.isLoading = false;
// ---- create points ----
var k = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= this.lev; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j <= this.lev; j++) {
var tx = (i * (this.texture.width / this.lev));
var ty = (j * (this.texture.height / this.lev));
this.points[k * 6 + 2] = tx;
this.points[k * 6 + 3] = ty;
this.points[k * 6 + 4] = tx / this.texture.width;
this.points[k * 6 + 5] = ty / this.texture.height;
var lev = this.lev + 1;
k = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.lev; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.lev; j++) {
// ---- up ----
transform.triangle(this.triangles, this.points, k,
6 * (j + i * lev),
6 * (j + i * lev + 1),
6 * (j + (i + 1) * lev)
// ---- down ----
k += 7;
transform.triangle(this.triangles, this.points, k,
6 * (j + (i + 1) * lev + 1),
6 * (j + (i + 1) * lev),
6 * (j + i * lev + 1)
k += 7;
// ==== transform prototype ====
transform.Image.prototype.transform = function (pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3) {
// ---- loading ----
if (this.isLoading) {
return false;
} else {
// ---- project points ----
var p = this.points, t = this.triangles;
for (var i = 0, len = p.length; i < len; i += 6) {
var mx = pt0.X + p[i + 5] * (pt3.X - pt0.X);
var my = pt0.Y + p[i + 5] * (pt3.Y - pt0.Y);
p[i + 0] = (mx + p[i + 4] * (pt1.X + p[i + 5] * (pt2.X - pt1.X) - mx));
p[i + 1] = (my + p[i + 4] * (pt1.Y + p[i + 5] * (pt2.Y - pt1.Y) - my));
// ---- draw triangles ----
for (var i = 0, len = t.length; i < len; i += 7) {
var p0 = t[i + 0];
var p1 = t[i + 1];
var p2 = t[i + 2];
// ---- centroid ----
var xc = (p[p0 + 0] + p[p1 + 0] + p[p2 + 0]) / 3;
var yc = (p[p0 + 1] + p[p1 + 1] + p[p2 + 1]) / 3;
var dx, dy, d, adx, ady;;
// ---- draw non anti-aliased triangle ----
dx = xc - p[p0 + 0], adx = dx < 0 ? -dx : dx;
dy = yc - p[p0 + 1], ady = dy < 0 ? -dy : dy;
d = adx > ady ? adx : ady;
this.ctx.moveTo(p[p0 + 0] - 2 * (dx / d), p[p0 + 1] - 2 * (dy / d));
dx = xc - p[p1 + 0], adx = dx < 0 ? -dx : dx;
dy = yc - p[p1 + 1], ady = dy < 0 ? -dy : dy;
d = adx > ady ? adx : ady;
this.ctx.lineTo(p[p1 + 0] - 2 * (dx / d), p[p1 + 1] - 2 * (dy / d));
dx = xc - p[p2 + 0], adx = dx < 0 ? -dx : dx;
dy = yc - p[p2 + 1], ady = dy < 0 ? -dy : dy;
d = adx > ady ? adx : ady;
this.ctx.lineTo(p[p2 + 0] - 2 * (dx / d), p[p2 + 1] - 2 * (dy / d));
// ---- clip ----
// ---- texture mapping ----
-(p[p0 + 3] * (p[p2 + 0] - p[p1 + 0]) -  p[p1 + 3] * p[p2 + 0]  + p[p2 + 3] *  p[p1 + 0] + t[i + 4] * p[p0 + 0]) / t[i + 3], // m11
(p[p1 + 3] *  p[p2 + 1] + p[p0 + 3]  * (p[p1 + 1] - p[p2 + 1]) - p[p2 + 3] *  p[p1 + 1] - t[i + 4] * p[p0 + 1]) / t[i + 3], // m12
(p[p0 + 2] * (p[p2 + 0] - p[p1 + 0]) -  p[p1 + 2] * p[p2 + 0]  + p[p2 + 2] *  p[p1 + 0] + t[i + 5] * p[p0 + 0]) / t[i + 3], // m21
-(p[p1 + 2] *  p[p2 + 1] + p[p0 + 2]  * (p[p1 + 1] - p[p2 + 1]) - p[p2 + 2] *  p[p1 + 1] - t[i + 5] * p[p0 + 1]) / t[i + 3], // m22
(p[p0 + 2] * (p[p2 + 3] * p[p1 + 0]  -  p[p1 + 3] * p[p2 + 0]) + p[p0 + 3] * (p[p1 + 2] *  p[p2 + 0] - p[p2 + 2]  * p[p1 + 0]) + t[i + 6] * p[p0 + 0]) / t[i + 3], // dx
(p[p0 + 2] * (p[p2 + 3] * p[p1 + 1]  -  p[p1 + 3] * p[p2 + 1]) + p[p0 + 3] * (p[p1 + 2] *  p[p2 + 1] - p[p2 + 2]  * p[p1 + 1]) + t[i + 6] * p[p0 + 1]) / t[i + 3]  // dy
this.ctx.drawImage(this.texture, 0, 0);
return true;
// ==== isPointerInside prototype ====
transform.Image.prototype.isPointerInside = function (x, y, p0, p1, p2, p3) {
this.ctx.moveTo(p0.X, p0.Y);
this.ctx.lineTo(p1.X, p1.Y);
this.ctx.lineTo(p2.X, p2.Y);
this.ctx.lineTo(p3.X, p3.Y);
return this.ctx.isPointInPath(x, y);
// ===== tweens engine =====
var tweens = {};
(function() {
var tweens = [];
var proto = {
normalPI: function () {
if (Math.abs( - this.value) > Math.PI) {
if ( < this.value)  this.value -= 2 * Math.PI;
else this.value += 2 * Math.PI;
setTarget: function (target, speedMod) {
this.speedMod = (speedMod) ? speedMod : 1;   = target;
if (this.isAngle) { = % (2 * Math.PI);
if (this.running && this.oldTarget === target) return;
this.oldTarget = target;
this.running   = true;
this.prog      = 0;
this.from      = this.value;
this.dist      = -( - this.from) * 0.5;
ease: function () {
if (!this.running) return;
var s = this.speedMod * this.steps;
if (this.prog++ < s) {
this.value = this.dist * (Math.cos(Math.PI * (this.prog / s)) - 1) + this.from;
if (this.isAngle) this.normalPI();
} else {
this.running = false;
this.value =;
this.add = function (steps, initValue, initValueTarget, isAngle) {
var tween = Object.create(proto);   = initValueTarget || 0;
tween.value    = initValue  || 0;
tween.steps    = steps;
tween.isAngle  = isAngle || false;
tween.speedMod = 1;
return tween;
this.iterate = function () {
for (var i = 0, len = tweens.length; i < len; i++) {
// ======== points constructor ========
var Point = function (parentFace, point, rotate) {
this.face = parentFace;
this.x = point[0];
this.y = point[1];
this.z = point[2];
this.scale = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
if (rotate) {
this.x += rotate.x;
this.y += rotate.y;
this.z += rotate.z;
return this;
// ======== points projection ========
Point.prototype.project = function () {
// ---- 3D rotation ----
var p = camera.rotate(
this.x - camera.x.value,
this.y - camera.y.value,
this.z - camera.z.value
// ---- distance to the camera ----
if (this.face) {
var z = p.z + camera.focalLength;
var distance = Math.sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + z * z);
if (distance > this.face.distance) this.face.distance = distance;
// --- 2D projection ----
this.scale = (camera.focalLength / (p.z + camera.focalLength)) * camera.zoom.value;
this.X = (canvas.width  * 0.5) + (p.x * this.scale);
this.Y = (canvas.height * 0.5) + (p.y * this.scale);
// ======= faces constructor ========
var Face = function (path, f) {
this.f = f;
var w  = f.w * 0.5;
var h  = f.h * 0.5;
var ax = f.rx * Math.PI * 0.5;
var ay = f.ry * Math.PI * 0.5;
this.locked   = false;
this.hidden   = f.hidden || null;
this.visible  = true;
this.distance = 0;
// ---- center point ----
this.pc = new Point(this, [f.x, f.y, f.z]);
// ---- 3D rotation ----
var rotate = function (x, y, z, ax, ay) {
var tz = z * Math.cos(ay) + x * Math.sin(ay);
var ty = y * Math.cos(ax) + tz * Math.sin(ax);
return {
x: x * Math.cos(ay) - z * Math.sin(ay),
y: ty,
z: tz * Math.cos(ax) - y * Math.sin(ax)
// ---- quad points ----
this.p0 = new Point(this, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate(-w, -h, 0, ax, ay));
this.p1 = new Point(this, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate( w, -h, 0, ax, ay));
this.p2 = new Point(this, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate( w,  h, 0, ax, ay));
this.p3 = new Point(this, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate(-w,  h, 0, ax, ay));
// ---- corner points ----
this.c0 = new Point(false, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate(-w, -h, -15, ax, ay));
this.c1 = new Point(false, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate( w, -h, -15, ax, ay));
this.c2 = new Point(false, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate( w,  h, -15, ax, ay));
this.c3 = new Point(false, [f.x, f.y, f.z], rotate(-w,  h, -15, ax, ay));
// ---- target angle ----
var r = rotate(ax, ay, 0, ax, ay, 0); = r.x + Math.PI / 2;
this.ay = r.y + Math.PI / 2;
// ---- create 3D image ----
this.img = new transform.Image(path + f.src, || 2);
// ======== face projection ========
Face.prototype.project = function () {
this.visible = true;
this.distance = -99999;
// ---- points projection ----
// ---- back face culling ----
if (!(
((this.p1.Y - this.p0.Y) / (this.p1.X - this.p0.X) -
(this.p2.Y - this.p0.Y) / (this.p2.X - this.p0.X) < 0) ^
(this.p0.X <= this.p1.X == this.p0.X > this.p2.X)
) || this.hidden) {
this.visible = false;
this.distance = -99999;
if (!this.locked && this.hidden === false) this.hidden = true;
// ======== face border ========
Face.prototype.border = function () {
ctx.moveTo(this.c0.X, this.c0.Y);
ctx.lineTo(this.c1.X, this.c1.Y);
ctx.lineTo(this.c2.X, this.c2.Y);
ctx.lineTo(this.c3.X, this.c3.Y);
ctx.lineWidth = this.pc.scale * this.f.w / 30;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)";
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
// ======== is pointer inside ? =========
var selectFace = function () {
isMoving = false;
target = false;
for (var i = 0, f; f = faces[i++];) {
if (f.visible) {
if (
f.p0, f.p1, f.p2, f.p3
) target = f;
} else break;
if (target && != false && !pointer.sweeping) {
faceOver = target;
} else canvas.setCursor("move");
// ======== onmove ========
pointer.move = function () {
isMoving = true;
// ======== onclick ======== = function () {
// ---- target image ----
if (target && != false) {
if (target == targetold) {
// ---- reset scene ----;
targetold = false;
} else {
targetold = target;
target.locked = false;
// ---- target redirection ----
if ( != "") {
for (var i = 0, f; f = faces[i++];) {
if ( && == {
target = f;
targetold = f;
if (f.hidden) {
f.hidden = false;
f.locked = true;
targetold = false;
// ---- move camera ----
var init = function (json) {
// ---- init camera ----
camera = {
x:  tweens.add(100),
y:  tweens.add(100),
z:  tweens.add(100, 0,0),
rx: tweens.add(100, 0,0, true),
ry: tweens.add(100, 0,0, true),
zoom: tweens.add(100, 0.1, 2),
focalLength: 450,
centered: false,
cosX: 0,
cosY: 0,
sinX: 0,
sinY: 0,
setTarget: function (target) {
// ---- set position ----
// ---- set view angles ----
this.rx.setTarget((Math.PI * 0.5) - - globalRX);
this.ry.setTarget((Math.PI * 0.5) - target.ay - globalRY);
// ---- zoom ----
this.zoom.setTarget(target.f.zoom ? target.f.zoom : 3);
this.centered = false;
center: function () {
this.centered = true;
move: function () {
// ---- easing camera position and view angle ----
// ---- additional drag/touch rotations ----
globalRX += (((-pointer.dy * 0.01) - globalRX) * 0.1);
globalRY += (((-pointer.dx * 0.01) - globalRY) * 0.1);
if (!this.centered && pointer.sweeping) {
// ---- reset zoom & position ----;
targetold = false;
// ---- pre calculate trigo ----
this.cosX = Math.cos(this.rx.value + globalRX);
this.sinX = Math.sin(this.rx.value + globalRX);
this.cosY = Math.cos(this.ry.value + globalRY);
this.sinY = Math.sin(this.ry.value + globalRY);
rotate: function (x, y, z) {
// ---- 3D rotation ----
var r = this.cosY * z + this.sinY * x;
return {
x: this.cosY * x - this.sinY * z,
y: this.sinX * r + this.cosX * y,
z: this.cosX * r - this.sinX * y
// ---- create faces ----
for (var i = 0, f; f = json.faces[i++];) {
new Face(json.path, f)
// ---- engine start ----
// ===== main loop =====
var run = function () {
var i, f;
ctx.clearRect(0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// ---- 3D projection ----
for (i = 0; f = faces[i++];) {
// ---- faces depth sorting ----
faces.sort(function (p0, p1) {
return p1.distance - p0.distance;
// ---- drawing ----
for (i = 0; f = faces[i++];) {
if (f.visible) {
// ---- draw image ----
f.img.transform(f.p0, f.p1, f.p2, f.p3);
if (f.locked && pointer.sweeping) f.locked = false;
if (f === faceOver) faceOver.border();
} else break;
// ---- pointer over ----
isMoving && selectFace();
// ---- camera ----
return {  
load: init
path: "",
faces: [
// ---- main images ----
{id: "1", src:"N3.jpg",    x:0,    y:0,    z:200,  rx:0,  ry:0,  w: 300, h: 200, select: false},
{id: "2", src:"go21.jpg",  x:200,  y:0,    z:0,    rx:0,  ry:-1, w: 300, h: 200},
{id: "3", src:"sf42.jpg",  x:0,    y:150,  z:0,    rx:1,  ry:0,  w: 300, h: 200},
{id: "4", src:"go26.jpg",  x:0,    y:-150, z:0,    rx:-1, ry:0,  w: 300, h: 200},
{id: "5", src:"ct133.jpg", x:-200, y:0,    z:0,    rx:0,  ry:1,  w: 300, h: 200},
{id: "6", src:"ct132.jpg", x:0,    y:0,    z:-200, rx:0,  ry:-2, w: 300, h: 200},
// ---- special hidden image :) ----
{id: "7", target: "1", src:"ct15.jpg", x:0, y:0, z:200, rx:0, ry:-2, w: 300, h: 200, hidden: true},
// ---- small targets ----
{src:"ct132.jpg", target: "6", x:0,    y:-40, z:170, rx:0, ry:0, w: 80, h: 60, tl: 1},
{src:"ct133.jpg", target: "5", x:-100, y:-40, z:170, rx:0, ry:0, w: 80, h: 60, tl: 1},
{src:"go26.jpg",  target: "4", x:100,  y:-40, z:170, rx:0, ry:0, w: 80, h: 60, tl: 1},
{src:"sf42.jpg",  target: "3", x:0,    y:40,  z:170, rx:0, ry:0, w: 80, h: 60, tl: 1},
{src:"go21.jpg",  target: "2", x:-100, y:40,  z:170, rx:0, ry:0, w: 80, h: 60, tl: 1},
{src:"N3.jpg",    target: "7", x:100,  y:40,  z:170, rx:0, ry:0, w: 80, h: 60, tl: 1}
