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he-knew Galería de imágenes en 3D

Vamos a ver una fabulosa galeria en 3D muy sencilla de implantar en tu web

Datos:  Clic en Demo para ver como trabaja esta web


html {
overflow: hidden;
touch-action: none;
content-zooming: none;

body {
position: absolute;
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height: 100%;
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canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: #000;
position: absolute;


 /* @ge1doot, October 2015 */ ~ function () { 'use strict'; var over = false, overlast = false; var camera = { x : 0, y : 11100, z : 10000, zEye : -101, visible : true, zoom : function (z) { var z0 = this.zEye - z; if (z0 > 0 ) z0 = -0.1; z0 = this.zEye / z0; this.visible = (z > this.zEye * 0.9); return z0; }, ease: function (pointer) { var xm = (canvas.centerX - pointer.x) * (250 / canvas.centerX); var ym = (canvas.centerY - pointer.y) * (110 / canvas.centerY); this.x += (xm - this.x) / 20; this.y += (pointer.z - this.y) / 20; this.z += (ym - this.z) / 20; } }; var Wall = function (x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; }; Wall.prototype.anim = function () { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var z0 = camera.zoom(camera.y + this.z[i] * 100); ctx.lineTo( canvas.centerX + (camera.x + this.x[i] * 100) * z0, canvas.centerY + (camera.z + this.y[i] * 100) * z0 ); } ctx.fill(); }; var Pict = function (img, title, text, x, y, z, w, h) { this.x = x * 100; this.y = y * 100; this.z = z * 100; this.w = w * 100; this.h = h * 100; this.loaded = false; this.img = document.createElement('canvas'); this.img.width = 1000; this.img.height = 1000; this.srcimg = new Image(); this.srcimg.onload = function () { var ict = this.img.getContext('2d'); ict.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'; ict.fillRect(0,0,1000,1000); ict.drawImage(this.srcimg, 100, 100, 800, 800); this.loaded = true; }.bind(this); this.srcimg.src = '' + img; this.text = document.createElement('canvas'); this.text.width = 1000; this.text.height = 300; var ict = this.text.getContext('2d'); ict.font = 'bold 140px arial'; ict.fillStyle = '#ddd'; ict.textAlign = 'center'; ict.fillText(title, 500, 120); ict.font = '48px arial'; ict.fillText(text, 500, 200); }; Pict.prototype.isPointerInside = function (x, y, z0) { return ( pointer.x > canvas.centerX + x && pointer.y > canvas.centerY + y && pointer.x < canvas.centerX + x + this.w * z0 && pointer.y < canvas.centerY + y + this.w * z0 ); } Pict.prototype.anim = function () { if (!this.loaded) return; var z0 = camera.zoom(camera.y + this.z); if (camera.visible) { var x = (camera.x + this.x) * z0, y = (camera.z + this.y) * z0; if (this.isPointerInside(x, y, z0)) over = this; ctx.drawImage(this.img, canvas.centerX + x, canvas.centerY + y, this.w * z0, this.h * z0 ); if (z0 > 0.3 ) { var z1 = camera.zoom(camera.y + this.z - 5); x = (camera.x + this.x + (this.w - 100) * 0.5) * z1; y = (camera.z + this.y + this.h - 30) * z1; ctx.drawImage(this.text, canvas.centerX + x, canvas.centerY + y, 100 * z1, 30 * z1 ); } } }; var anim = function () { over = false; for ( var i = 0, that; that = objects[i++]; that.anim() ); if (over !== overlast) { overlast = over; = over ? 'pointer' : 'default'; } } // main loop var run = function () { requestAnimationFrame(run); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = '#222'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height * 0.1); ctx.fillRect(0, canvas.height * 0.9, canvas.width, canvas.height * 0.1); camera.ease(pointer); anim(); } // canvas var canvas = { elem: document.createElement('canvas'), resize: function () { this.left = 0; = 0; this.width = this.elem.width = this.elem.offsetWidth; this.height = this.elem.height = this.elem.offsetHeight; this.centerX = this.width / 2; this.centerY = this.height / 2; }, init: function () { var ctx = this.elem.getContext('2d'); document.body.appendChild(this.elem); window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this), false); this.resize(); return ctx; } }; var ctx = canvas.init(); // pointer var pointer = (function (canvas) { var scaling = false, oldDist = 0; var pointer = { x: canvas.width / 2, y: canvas.height / 2, z: 10, canvas: canvas, touchMode: false }; var distance = function (dx, dy) { return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); }; [[window, 'mousemove,touchmove', function (e) { this.touchMode = e.targetTouches; e.preventDefault(); if (scaling && this.touchMode) { var x0 = this.touchMode[0].clientX, x1 = this.touchMode[1].clientX, y0 = this.touchMode[0].clientY, y1 = this.touchMode[1].clientY; this.x = (x0 + x1) / 2; this.y = (y0 + y1) / 2; var d = distance(x0 - x1, y0 - y1); var s = d > oldDist ? -1 : 1; oldDist = d; this.z += s; if (this.z < -160) this.z = -160; return; } var pointer = this.touchMode ? this.touchMode[0] : e; this.x = pointer.clientX - this.canvas.left; this.y = pointer.clientY -; }], [canvas.elem, 'mousedown,touchstart', function (e) { this.touchMode = e.targetTouches; e.preventDefault(); if (this.touchMode && e.touches.length === 2) { scaling = true; } else { var pointer = this.touchMode ? this.touchMode[0] : e; this.x = pointer.clientX - this.canvas.left; this.y = pointer.clientY -; anim(); if (over) { this.z = -80 - over.z; } else this.z = 0; } }], [window, 'mouseup,touchend', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); scaling = false; }]].forEach(function (e) { for (var i = 0, events = e[1].split(','); i < events.length; i++) { e[0].addEventListener(events[i], e[2].bind(pointer), false ); } }.bind(pointer)); window.addEventListener('wheel', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var s = e.deltaY > 0 ? -10 : 10; this.z += s; if (this.z < -160) this.z = -160; }.bind(pointer), false); return pointer; }(canvas)); // walls var objects = []; objects.push( new Wall( [-2.5,-2.5,-2.5,-2.5], [-1,-1,1,1], [-1,1,1,-1] ) ); objects.push( new Wall( [-2.5,2.5,2.5,-2.5], [-1,-1,1,1], [1,1,1,1] ) ); objects.push( new Wall( [2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5], [-1,-1,1,1], [1,-.5,-.5,1] ) ); objects.push( new Wall( [2.5,2.7,2.7,2.5], [-1,-1,1,1], [-.5,-.5,-.5,-.5] ) ); objects.push( new Wall( [-2.5,-2.7,-2.7,-2.5], [-1,-1,1,1], [-1,-1,-1,-1] ) ); objects.push( new Pict( 'bl112.jpg', 'he knew', "No explanation needed", -1,-.8,.8,2,1.4 ) ); objects.push( new Pict( 'sf48.jpg', 'New life', "Here you come!", -2,-0.7,.4,2,1.4 ) ); objects.push( new Pict( 'ct137.jpg', 'Inside', "I'm now trapped, without hope of escape", 0.5,-.6,.2,2,1.4 ) ); objects.push( new Pict( 'ct60.jpg', 'Discoveries', "are made by not following instructions", -1.5,-.8,0,1.5,2 ) ); objects.push( new Pict( 'bl201.jpg', 'Nonexistance', "There's no such thing", .5,-1,-.4,1.5,2 ) ); objects.push( new Pict( 'ct41.jpg', 'Much work', "remains to be done", -2,-1,-.8,1.5,2 ) ); run(); } ();